
March 9, 2022

the surface still
the depths, restless

Memory of Nymphaeas, generative art by Sarah Ridgley
Test Mint #18

Memory of Nymphaeas is a generative interpretation of monotype printing and indexical mark making. 

The program makes each piece in two parts. First, it generates a unique painting of blooms scattered across a pool of water to a background canvas. Then, random pixels are lifted from that image and pressed onto the screen. 

The original form is erased. The final result shows an impression of what was there, for a moment, in the computer’s memory.

The code for this program is permanently stored on the Tezos blockchain. Endless Ways allows you to select your own hash for minting, so you can explore the algorithm and find your favorite output before minting.

Medium: custom software, JavaScript
Year: 2022